Slingshot API – Is It For Me?

One of Slingshot’s most powerful toolsets is less obvious than our Field Hub or RTK Base Station, but it will change the way operators and dealers do business.

API is short for “Application Programming Interface”. It’s a software-to-software interface, or set of code, that lets one software system communicate with another. Software developers can now connect their products and services to the essential code – and core value – of the Slingshot platform and deliver it through their own products and services. In other words, Slingshot API gives software companies the ability to move data between their software programs in the office and the tractor more seamlessly. The benefit to the end user is the ability to pair a software solution of their choice with Slingshot, and still be able to move data back and forth with little, if any, effort at all.

For example, just yesterday AgIntegrated, Inc. announced they implemented Slingshot API capabilities into their OnSite™ software application. Through the Slingshot API, OnSite software is able to communicate directly with Raven field computers to efficiently transfer data and locate equipment in the field. For more information, you can read the press release here. With dozens of software developers already partnered with Slingshot API, stay tuned to see or hear about their unique solutions in the coming days, weeks and months.