Inside Raven

Meet a #RavIntern: Kieran Kasha, Software Engineer

Meet Kieran

Kieran Kasha grew up the small town of Grand Coulee, Canada. Today, he is majoring in robotics engineering at the University of Toronto and is working as a Software Engineer intern for Raven at our Emerald Park office in Regina, Canada. However, instead of a typical 3-4 month internship, Kieran is working a full 16 months at Raven through his university’s co-op program helping develop our driverless ag technology.

Kieran is excited to be interning at Raven. He shared that his goal is to learn things that he will be able to apply to his schooling, as well as make a firm foundation at Raven, given the opportunity, he make a career with the organization.

My family made their life here farming. This internship has given me the opportunity to give back to my community and take what I have learned to better their lives and make farming more efficient and sustainable.

— Kieran Kasha

Summer At Raven

Kieran’s focus during his internship is on coding related to OMNiPOWER™, an autonomous power platform that couples with ag implements – like a seeder, sprayer, or spreader – so it can perform multiple tasks autonomously for a farming operation. Kieran has been given the opportunity to work on a project at Raven in conjunction with the University of Regina, developing a research software development alongside a university research team. Together, the team is developing a software and algorithms that will enable cameras to perform different tasks, such as edge of field detection, that could be beneficial to Raven. Kieran will help develop this software to be used for OMNiPOWER -- and potentially other Raven technology in the future.

With only a couple months of Kieran’s internship down, and many to go, he speaks very highly of Raven. His mentors and team members help him feel comfortable at Raven, making an effort to teach him and make him feel like an equal. Raven’s virtual intern events throughout the summer also helps him feel connected to the company and his fellow interns around the world.

Kieran enjoys that his work gives him the opportunity to give back to his community and make changes on a higher level. While he is in an internship position, his work gets used on actual platforms and products that Raven provides.

At Raven, lots of people make you feel welcome, and it feels like I'm meant to be here.

— Kieran Kasha

Fun Facts about Kieran

  • What is a random fun fact about you? I have a very proud Scottish ancestry. I learned a bit of Scottish Gaelic during Covid, so I thought I would say, "Is toil leam Raven gù mor," which means I like Raven a lot and "tapadh leat,” thank you.
  • What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten? The best advice I've ever gotten is to not be afraid to ask questions. It’s not worth the hours wasted flailing around in the ocean of not understanding something. Just swallow your pride and let someone show you how to swim.
  • If you can only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cannelloni from a family-owned restaurant in Saskatoon.

Written by Gabby Grieme, 2022 Graphic Design Intern, Raven Industries