Women in STEM

Coding Success for Her Company

Women at Raven are integral to the success of our organization. We continue to grow our operations with the diverse and forward-thinking ideas that women at Raven bring to our teams.

IT Software Developer Samiah Ford helps our company succeed by leading development projects and helping team members Grow Together. In her role, Samiah works on a variety of projects with an emphasis on HR integrations.

As we further our integration with CNH Industrial, our IT team members have worked to unite our HR systems so we can operate as One Team. Samiah has played a key role in this, managing the integrations of the systems we use for benefits, learning and development, and time off requests. Samiah’s work developing our systems ensures that our team members correctly receive crucial HR information.

“Samiah manages integrations and enhances our systems to ensure that everything operates smoothly. She is a leader on projects and has great ideas for the success of our long-term strategy and technology.”

— Brent Schavee, Software Development Lead

Samiah discovered a passion for coding when she was in high school. She took a cybersecurity class in which she learned to code, and she realized how fun coding is and the way it impacts systems.

After graduating college, Samiah started at Raven as an IT Software Developer. She said that working here immediately after graduation gave her opportunities to grow personally and professionally, and working alongside other women in STEM at Raven has furthered her development.

“Working at Raven has taught me how to manage myself and be self-motivated. Working alongside women in STEM has motivated me to continue to grow.”

— Samiah Ford, IT Software Developer

Samiah said that being a woman in STEM at Raven has been a great experience for her as she’s worked with other women and helped the organization move forward. She said that seeing how many women are working in the STEM field is encouraging and inspiring.

Samiah has visited code camps and seen more girls and women pursuing STEM careers, and she said that’s been exciting to witness. It gives insight into how being a woman in STEM is becoming more common, which gives a positive outlook for the future of STEM careers.

As more girls and women pursue STEM careers, Samiah said she hopes to see more of them at future STEM events and that they continue to invest in themselves.

“Don’t get discouraged by how hard it seems because you can do anything you want if you’re willing to work for it.”

— Samiah Ford, IT Software Developer

The work Samiah does as an IT Software Developer continues to enhance our systems so we can Help Farmers Serve the World.